Dr. Erin Brooker Lozott, EdD, BCBA-D, CCC-SLP, is a talented and dynamic leader whose work has produced transformative outcomes in individuals with ASD, professionals, and organizations. As the Program Director at Els for Autism, she leads the development and implementation of programs and services dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals with autism across the lifespan. Her executive leadership and programmatic oversight have significantly contributed to the organization’s strategic initiatives and business development, ensuring goals and visions are achieved.
Holding a doctorate in special education focusing on applied behavior analysis from Nova Southeastern University, Dr. Brooker Lozott is a doctoral-level certified board-certified behavior analyst and a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist. Her expertise and influence extend beyond national borders, as she has presented and consulted extensively nationally and internationally. Dr. Brooker Lozott was named the ambassador of the autism global day-traveling workshop and has been a keynote speaker at international conferences such as Teabraco and Rio Teama in Brazil. Her global work has produced revenue-generating virtual and in-person train-the-trainer services, professional observerships, program replication opportunities, and collaborative partnerships worldwide.
Dr. Brooker Lozott has a longstanding history of leading research, resulting in the publication of peer-reviewed journal articles. She works to ensure positive and impactful outcomes with all her work. Erin’s research, global impact, and leadership skills have led to appointments on advisory and clinical excellence committees for international autism organizations such as the Peter Pan Association in Cagliari, Italy, and Autism Connect of Trinidad & Tobago (ACTT). On a local level, Dr. Brooker Lozott actively engages with the community, serving on the Martin County Chamber of Commerce and the Florida Atlantic University (FAU) Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) statewide Females and Autism Committee. Through her multifaceted involvement in committees, collaborative partnerships, global outreach, training, and research initiatives, Dr. Brooker Lozott advocates tirelessly for evidence-based programs, practices, and inclusion for individuals with autism and those who care for them worldwide.
Dr. Brooker Lozott is a skillful business professional. She has experience and a successful track record in business development. She has started, owned, and partnered in businesses and managed for-profit and non-profit organizations. At Els for Autism, Dr. Brooker Lozott has worked to ensure programs and services have diverse funding sources for sustainability, and she has created solutions and services that have improved the lives of individuals with autism and those who care for them. Dr. Brooker Lozott took part in the development and execution of the multi-year strategic plan. She holds herself and others around here accountable for achieving the highest outcomes possible. In addition to all professional accomplishments, Dr. Brooker Lozott is an avid international traveler, loves to learn about languages and cultures, and has a passion for writing about and teaching others how to support autistic individuals who are non-speaking and use augmentative & alternative communication and females with autism who have co-occurring mental health needs.
Zangari, C. & Lozott, E. (2023). Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Autism: Online training module (Fort Lauderdale FL: Nova Southeastern University; Jupiter, FL: Els for Autism Foundation). In Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI), Autism Internet Modules, www.autisminternetmodules.org. Columbus, OH: OCALI.
Rouhandeh, A.A., Honsberger, C., Shanok, N.A. et al. Brief Report: Assessment of a Caregiver-Implemented Intervention for Improving Social Communication Skills in Toddlers and Young Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-022-05587-y
Brooker Lozott, Erin (2021). (Publication No. 28721057) [Nova Southeastern University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. Online Training to Improve Job Coaches’ Support of Minimally Verbal and Nonverbal Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Shanok, N., Brooker Lozott, E., Sotelo, M., & Bearss, K. (2021). Community-based parent-training for disruptive behaviors in children with ASD using synchronous telehealth services: A pilot study. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 88, 101861. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rasd.2021.101861
Brooker Lozott, E. & Schwartz, J.B., (2011). Diego, A school-aged child with an autism spectrum disorder. In Chabon, S. S. & Cohn, E. R. (Eds.), The Communication Disorders Casebook Learning By Example (pp.215-221). New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
Perkins, S. & Brooker Lozott, E., (2010). Joint attention as a primary target of intervention in a young child with ASD. EBP Briefs, 4, 53-59
Mitchell, S., Hardie, S., Lozott, E., Sotelo, M., & Alessandri, M. (August 2009). Strategies for Successful Supported Inclusion for a Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Study. Asia Pacific Autism Conference 2009. Sydney, Australia.
Brooker Lozott, E. (2024). Preparing for transition to adulthood. In A. S. Kaufman & N. L. Kaufman (Eds.), Essentials of autism spectrum disorders evaluation and assessment (2nd ed., pp. 139-160). Wiley. Essentials of Autism Spectrum Disorders Evaluation and Assessment, 2nd Edition | Wiley
Brooker Lozott, E. (2017). Strategies and Supports for Enhancing Social Communicative Competence & Language Development in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Training for professionals in Recife, Brazil.
Brooker Lozott, E. (2017). Parents and Caregivers: Agents of Change in a Transdisciplinary Team Model. Presentation at TEAbraço. Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.
Brooker Lozott, E. (2017). Parents and Caregivers: Parent Implemented Interventions for infants and toddlers at risk for and with ASD. Presentation at TEAbraço. Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.
Brooker Lozott, E. (2017). Infusing Evidenced Based Practices for individuals with ASD across the Home and Community Settings. Presentation at TEAbraço. Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.
Brooker Lozott, E. (2017). Supporting Inclusion for Individuals with ASD. Invited Speaker at Escola Internacional de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.