A Capital Campaign for the RECREATION COMPLEX

Expanding recreation activities available at The Els Center of Excellence® campus.

Recreation Complex
Programs & Services

Professional Development

Expand your knowledge and expertise in autism through our comprehensive professional development programs. Els for Autism welcomes individuals from around the globe, whether they are students starting their careers or seasoned professionals, for them to enhance their knowledge on a range of topics, ranging from evidence-based practices to effective parent training and support.

Teaching Education Autism Methods (TEAM)

Teaching Educational Autism Methods (TEAM) provides learning opportunities for college students seeking placement for internships, externships, and practicum experiences. TEAM also provides opportunities for professionals, working in the field of ASD, to observe the implementation of evidence-based practices across disciplines and age ranges.

Conferencing Services

The state-of-the-art auditorium serves as a hub for professionals in the field of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to gather and disseminate research findings, best practices, and connect the global autism community via lectures and video conferencing.

man watching conference
Webinars & CEUs

Our comprehensive webinar library provides valuable resources for parents, educators, professionals, and anyone interested in learning more about autism. Gain insights from experts, learn about evidence-based practices, and discover practical strategies to support individuals on the spectrum across settings. From understanding the basics of autism to mastering specialized skills, the Els for Autism webinars empower people to make a difference in the lives of individuals with autism and their families

Professional Observership

The TEAM Professional Observership Program offers professionals from around the world opportunities to observe and learn from a highly qualified transdisciplinary team of professionals.