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Els for Autism Foundation to Host Conference 2017 Autism Innovations and Global Impact: The State of the Science

October 25, 2016

Two-day conference to be held at The Els Center of Excellence in Jupiter, FL gathering renowned leaders in autism research, government, and service provision to discuss autism spectrum disorder with an emphasis on innovation and impact.

Jupiter, Fla. (October 25, 2016) – The Els for Autism Foundation announces the Autism Innovation and Global Impact Conference: The State of the Science to be held April 28th and 29th, 2017 at The Els Center of Excellence 18370 Limestone Creek Road, Jupiter, Florida.

In this inaugural two day scientific conference, renowned leaders in autism research, government, and service provision will gather to discuss the state of the science in autism spectrum disorder (ASD).    They will discuss the impact of global autism research from a variety of perspectives including:

–          Learnings about the fundamental nature of autism from developmental neuroscience and neuroimaging

–          Challenges and opportunities in the diagnosis and care of those affected by autism

–          Contributions that longitudinal treatment studies can make in helping us understand the course of autism and enhance outcomes over time

–          Importance of autism research being a government priority

“The Els for Autism Foundation has been changing the landscape of global autism services since its inception.  I am deeply honored to be chairing this inaugural conference which extends the visionary work of the Foundation by bringing together innovative and impactful leaders in autism research, treatment, and public policy from around the globe,” said Michael Alessandri, PhD: Clinical Professor of Psychology and Pediatrics and Executive Director, Center of Autism and Related Disabilities, University of Miami.

The cost for the two-day conference is $375 if participants register before December 31, 2016. After this date, the registration costs are $425.  For a full list of the conference speakers, world renowned experts in the field of autism, and for registration go to: www.elsforautismglobalconf.org

The Els for Autism Foundation operates The Els Center of Excellence, a 26-acre facility located in Jupiter, Florida, which houses a public charter school and provides a variety of services for children and adults with autism spectrum disorder and their families, including global outreach, education, therapy, recreation, research and adult services.  The Center also provides internships for college students and outreach conferencing services to enable professionals from the global autism community to gather and disseminate best practices.

Event Contact: 

Dr. Marlene Sotelo, Director of Programs and Operations 

Els For Autism Foundation

Phone: 561-625-8269

Email: marlene.sotelo@elsforautism.org


Media Contact:

Mariann Coleman, Marketing and Development Manager

Phone:  561-309-4248

E-mail:  mariann.coleman@elsforautism.org

– ENDS –

 Photography: Historical images for editorial use at: www.elsforautism.phanfare.com/6828828.  Please contact the team for images following the event.


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The Els for Autism Foundation

The Els for Autism Foundation was established in 2009 by PGA TOUR golfer Ernie Els and his wife Liezl (residents of Jupiter, FL) shortly after their son Ben was diagnosed with autism. The Foundation’s overarching mission is to help people on the autism spectrum fulfill their potential to lead positive, productive and rewarding lives. Els for Autism has offices in the U.S., Canada, South Africa, and the UK. To help fulfill its mission, Els for Autism is building a state-of-the-art Center of Excellence in Jupiter, FL, with a local, national and global reach.

Donations can be made online at www.e4aannualgiving.org and by check (made payable to ‘Els for Autism’) and addressed to: Els for Autism, The Els Center of Excellence, 18370 Limestone Creek Rd, Jupiter, FL 33458.