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Professional Observership (Fee-Based) Program

The TEAM Professional Observership Program offers professionals from around the world opportunities to observe and learn from a highly qualified transdisciplinary team of professionals (e.g. Board Certified Behavior Analysts, Speech-Language Pathologists, an Occupational Therapist, and Music Therapists). Observations of speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, ABA therapy (i.e., behavior therapy) and adult service programs, both on and off campus will be included in each session. Observations of diagnostic assessments, research programs, Recreation services (e.g., golf, tennis, soccer, yoga), Reach and Teach services (e.g., music, art, drama, and dance) may be included based on availability. In order to participate in the program, professionals must be proficient in English and have worked in the field of autism spectrum disorder for at least one year. All professionals participating in the TEAM Observership program will be invited to view the Els for Autism® five staff training modules.  A certificate of completion will be provided at the end of these five, 1-hour training modules. Please note, all acceptances are contingent on the results a level 2 or international background check. One background check is included within the fee charged per each professional.  Below is a general outline of the experience offered via the TEAM Professional Observership program.

  • The fee for each professional accepted into the Professional Observership program is $3,000 dollars per week (5 business days)
    • 1 background check is included in this fee
  • Professional Observership sessions are 4 hours a day, across 5 days
    • 50% advance, non-refundable, payment will be due upon scheduling of the level 2 background check
    • The remaining balance will be paid upon the first day of the program
  • Applications must be submitted 6 -12 months in advance of the desired time frame
    • Along with an application, all applicants must submit the following documents prior to an interview being scheduled
      • Curriculum Vitae
      • 3 professional references
      • 3 letters of personal references from families
      • Passport and Visa (as necessary for travel)
      • English Proficiency certification
  • Applicants and accepted professionals must be proficient in English
  • Applicants and accepted professionals must have at least 1-year experience working in the field of autism spectrum disorder
  • Acceptances are contingent on a cleared level 2 or international background check
  • NO Stipends/Scholarships are available for travel, accommodations and/or any of the observership activities
  • Accepted professionals must sign an “Observership Letter of Agreement” with Els for Autism Foundation
  • Upon acceptance, a lead TEAM staff member will be assigned as your Professional Observership host
  • A schedule of observations and activities will be sent 2-weeks in advance of the Observership session
  • Professionals may request a letter describing/outlining their experience at the completion of the program, but no certificates of training (other than the certificate of completion for the 5 core training modules) or competency will be provided.
    • All requests for letters will be reviewed by the TEAM Professional Observership committee
    • Letter approvals are not guaranteed
    • An approval to write a letter for an applicant is up to the discretion of the committee and will be based on the result of each professional’s performance evaluation


For information on the program above:

Contact: Dr. Jose Martinez, Autism Services Analyst
Phone: 561-598-6200 extension 2041

Hear from clients taking part in the Professional Observership Program:

Lilian Kuhn

(In English)

I am a speech pathologist in São Paulo/Brazil and I work with children with speech, hearing and language disorders, including those diagnosed with ASD. I had some previous opportunities to visit the Els for Autism Foundation with Brazilian clients who were at an intensive intervention program and, in January 2018, I completed a two-week observership to improve my clinical practice. At that time, I was able to observe many programs and services at the Foundation such as: assessment process of the Early Intervention program, sports class, speech and language and ABA assessment and therapy for Foundation students, intensive intervention for foreign families, selective process for employment with youth and adults with autism, speech therapist practice in the school environment and parent training.

(In Portuguese) 

Eu sou fonoaudióloga em São Paulo/Brasil e atuo com crianças com alterações de fala, audição e linguagem, incluindo aquelas com diagnóstico de Transtorno do Espectro Autista. Tive algumas oportunidades de ir ao Els for Autism Foundation para o acompanhamento de clientes brasileiros em programa de intervenção intensiva e, em Janeiro de 2018, participei de um estágio de observação de duas semanas, com o intuito de aprimorar a minha prática clínica. Naquele período, pude acompanhar a maioria das atividades que acontecem no Foundation, tais como: avaliação inicial do programa de Intervenção Precoce, aula de esporte, avaliação e terapia fonoaudiológica e psicológica de crianças e jovens com autismo estudantes do Els, consultoria à distância, programa de intervenção intensiva para famílias estrangeiras, processo seletivo para emprego com jovens e adultos com autismo, participação da fonoaudióloga no ambiente escolar e treinamento de pais.

Acompanhar a atuação de profissionais da Fonoaudiologia em diferentes âmbitos (escolar, clínica, terapêutico) e com diferentes públicos (crianças, jovens e adultos) contribuiu muito para a ampliação da minha atuação, me permitindo ir além das sessões de terapia, mas também contribuir para os outros contextos terapêuticos, apoiar a inclusão escolar e social e criar oportunidades de atividades socioculturais para as pessoas com TEA.

Na minha opinião, há três grandes diferenciais no ELS:

– A inclusão da família no processo terapêutico, com participação ativa, ensino de estratégias e técnicas e a abertura de um espaço para troca com outras famílias (ex: Cookie and Coffee Program);

– Os princípios da Análise Aplica do Comportamento são utilizados como background para a atuação de todos os profissionais e em todos os contextos/atividades.

– Equipe Transdisciplinar: Apesar da especificidade de cada área, os profissionais do ELS têm conhecimento transdisciplinar, o que permite a junção entre todas áreas para melhor aprendizagem de cada criança específica.

Em suma, a estadia intensiva no ELS me ajudou a aprimorar minha prática clínica como nenhum outro lugar ou curso que eu fiz. Muito obrigada a todos da Equipe do ELS pela generosidade de compartilhar seu conhecimento comigo!


Tiago Toledo

My name is Tiago, I am an adapted physical education teacher, I work with students with autism spectrum disorder for 15 years and I work with multi-disciplinary teams.

My experience at the Els for Autism Foundation was great, I spent a week in the physical education classes of children with different ages, I could exchange experience with professionals and shared how I work in Brazil ( methodology, strategy, class structure, and method)), it was very enriching. I also participated in golf lessons, learned different methodologies and strategies.

The attention that all the professionals had with me at The Els Center of Excellence was unique, everyone treated me very well, I hope I will be able to go back again.