A Capital Campaign for the RECREATION COMPLEX

Expanding recreation activities available at The Els Center of Excellence® campus.

Recreation Complex

Programs and Services

20 Feb 2024
Els for Autism utilizes rare, FDA-approved eye-tracking technology to identify autism in young children

In our mission to become a global leader in the field of autism, Els for Autism® is proud to announce that we...

15 Dec 2023
Four Tips for a Successful Holiday Break

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness, but for families with children on the auti...

30 Oct 2023
Fall Recreation Tips for Individuals with Autism

After a sweltering summer, we are all enjoying the cooler temps the fall brings us. Now that the weather is co...

27 Sep 2023
The Big Easy™ Cafe by Ernie Els

The Big Easy™ Cafe by Ernie Els is another way the Els for Autism Foundation® is transforming the lives of ...

28 Aug 2023
Supporting Parents through Transition

You're invited to join our "Supporting Parents through Transition" group. Parents will meet with an Els for A...

29 Jun 2023

Led by highly qualified licensed mental health counselors, Sibshops provide young brothers and sisters who h...

31 May 2023
Summertime Tips for Sleep for Children with Autism

Summertime sleep routines are often challenging due to time out of school, work, and vacations. As sleep probl...